Saturday, June 14, 2008

"We Like Black D***, Just Not Black Men"


Let’s be honest- who wouldn’t want a Morris Chestnut, Will Smith, Denzel Washington, or Taye Diggs type of man?

As black women, we’ve watched our brothers be romantically involved with white women for as long as we’ve been in this country. Just when we thought we were accepting it, Asian and Hispanic women picked up on the trend, and Black men started to choose them first. In a day and age where interracial dating is more or less accepted, we have to redirect our anger.

Now, black women are upset because we’ve taken home the bronze medal in comparison to the other races that seek out Black men. For the most part, young Black men are not choosing their Black women, while everyone else is choosing the brothers.

First, look at the music videos you see on BET, MTV or anything else. No longer are “video girls” really black. Hispanic and mixed women seem to be getting closer and closer to the camera. The Vida Guerra’s of the world have taken the front seat, and more brothers want long REAL hair, fair skin and another language to go along with the urban style.

Some people say Black and Hispanics are one in the same, and although we share the same ancestry, I think to put us in the same boat is to ignore the many differences that the two have, especially historically and politically (for the most part, Hispanics picked Hillary over Barack. Does that say anything significant? I think so.)

Next, let’s look at white women- from whom I got the title of this article. It’s not the preferred conversation to overhear during a study break snack, but that statement is exactly what my girls and I heard one day while sitting in the student center on our college campus.

“ Oh my god, I hooked up with a black guy last night…no, I don’t like black men, but I do like black d***!”

…Was this girl serious?

It just goes to show that the physical attraction is- in some cases- the only reason why these unions happen. Okay brothers, I’ll give you that. Some men enjoy having gorgeous exotic looking women of different backgrounds and ethnicities to trophy around with…but ask yourselves, are your parents going to approve of your relationship?

Maybe so, but what about her parents? Are they really as open-minded as she is? The truth is, not all parents are as accepting and open minded as their children.

Do not misinterpret what I’m saying, I do have a lot of white, Asian and Hispanic female friends who date Black men. They are girls with good heads on their shoulders, who are usually friendly, more reserved, smart and very genuine. They have no problem being my friend, and I have no problem being theirs.

It may just be from what I’ve seen around my campus, but the other-race girls who only go after Black men for their well-endowed features, are the ones who do not take the time to befriend black women.

Those girls stick to their own "kind". They’d rather say the curiosity about the physical pleasure was the reason they did it. Those are the kind of girls I overheard saying the above statement.

Brothers, let’s not take this completely as a compliment. You should be offended by such a blatant proclamation. What does this say about you? ”I don’t like black men” means I don’t like black people, and “I just like black d***” means I don’t see you for who you are.

I’ve dated white men, Hispanic men, and even an Asian once. But ultimately and collectively, they don’t want black women either. Of course there are some exceptions to this, one of my best white male friends only dates black women.

Who you choose to date is completely up to you. This article isn’t about that- it is about the reality of human attraction. It is about why Black women in general are becoming the least desired women of all.

We’re too strong-minded, independent, practical, and unadventurous. We argue too much. We work too much. We’re not as fair skinned or pleasing to look at. We like to dress down more than dress up. We’re not always creative in bed. Our hair doesn’t always blow in the wind, and isn’t always our own. We talk too much. We don’t give oral pleasure (says who?), we don’t want to cook every day (actually I love to cook), and we won’t stay with you after you cheat on us (yea, maybe not).

But if that’s why you’d rather not have us, then by all means, as Tyler Perry would say, have your 20%.


Anonymous said...

Stumbled onto this blog late. Actually, there are alot of us out here that like natural hair. My last real relationship was with a woman who sported natural hair...i've been hooked since. It's okay to wear the weave, and besides, there are black women with curly hair, and long silky hair.

Now, so far as liking other women before our own...this might be true for some dudes out there. But there are some of us who prefer our own being one. Maybe it's because i'm from the south, N.C. I just think we (black people) as a whole watch too much damn TV and the stereotypes that they put out there. Then we go along and perpetuate those stereotypes to the fullest sometimes. Knowing all along that it's not really us...especially the dating scene.

You got dudes out there who just try to hide all sensitivity and passion for black women because rap vids instruct people to do so. I see a trend...of Black women and men NOT portraying stereotypes anymore. I just wish you, Black women, would stop airing dirty laundry, lol...that's where the media gets it's ammo from...and they exploit us to the fullest.

I might have to check back on your next post to see what you're talking about.

Assya said...

i am a north african girl(morocco) dating a black guy. i am african too. do you approve? :)
haha well seriously, i agree that dating someone just for his endowdment is stupid and offensive. what you overheard in the cafeteria was very bad..
men from other ethnicities could be more endowed than some black man ,so not all non-black women with black man are after that.
anyway i see the point you're trying to make, but most people are superficial anyway.

Anonymous said...

As a white woman who has dated and even was married to a black man for 5 years, i was surprised to see the comment about non-black women initially interested in the physical part of black men. In my own experience, i was attracted to the warmth and acceptance from them.

I have asked a few black men why they chose to date white rather then black women. Not one mentioned exoctic looks or silky hair. Resoundingly, the answer has been...Black women are 'mean'. After hearing this several times, I started watching my husbands sisters relationships, and was surprised to see them carping and nagging their men. Rightly or wrongly, black women have developed a reputation of being bossy and antagonistic to their men.

Assya said...

hey anonymous,
i m white girl(north african) i posted a message before yours.. i am surprised you found black men accepting and warm.. actually black men have a reputation for being unemotional, well at least nowhere like white men could be romantic/tender...

and it's funny that my current bf who's black says i 'm not tender!(most people would agree i am too kind and caring) but he says his ex was nice and tender (and i guess she was black) or do you think he's just saying that to make me feel bad... he says am not tender because i get emotional when he upsets me,i tend to talk about things i find rude or insensitive... i beleive his definition of tender is a girl who shuts her mouth and never points out things she doesnt like, such as lack of attention, emotions..

anyway, i think it'll be unfair to generalize and think all black women or black men are mean. but from my experience he's mean and says his ex was sweet... he says mean things and when i say men i'm used to knowing are nicer, he says i should get real. lol

Anonymous said...

All i know is that there will always be people out there, much like yourself, who will continue to go on about the differences between the races - just like the stupid white girls that say they only fuck black men for their big cocks! We should embrace eachother and remember that Martin Luther King wanted everyone to live equally!!!! I think that we should all try to do this.

Assya said...

hey anonymous,
before you insult people, calling white girls stupid and calling me so implicitly. have some guts and post your name.
you think black women are mean and nagging, maybe you aren't in real life.
but you sure are a judgemental mean bitch online . i was just mentioning my opinion, who are you to call people who share their perspectives stupid?

BE GOOD. for you and those around you.